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the laws of nature 意味

"the laws of nature"の例文


  • 〔哲学〕 自然の理法, 自然法則


  • they must quit the laws of nature and assume ...
  • the laws of nature transcend the laws of man .
  • the laws of nature are written in the language of calculus .
  • and i've transcended the laws of nature .
  • it's against the laws of nature .
    自然の法則を 越えた物だって
  • we're just starting to really discover the laws of nature and science and physics .
  • now , the laws of nature tell us that their offspring should also have whorls between his eyes .
    自然の法則に従えば 彼らの子もまた目の間に渦があるはずだ
  • now , the laws of nature tell us that their offspring should also have whorls between his eyes .
    自然の法則に従えば 彼らの子もまた目の間に渦があるはずだ
  • as the reason , they explained that the word ' evil customs of the past ' in shinkan (imperial letter ) issued at the same time as charter oath was not restricted to national isolation as well as expulsion of foreigners , and takayoshi kido himself used the words ' old customs ' , ' evil customs of the past ' and ' conventions ' widely as meaning of ' feudalism to be conquered ' or ' closed nature to be conquered ' , and even toshimichi okubo severely criticized the same thing as ' evil customs of the past ' mentioned by kido for ' corrupt smell of old customes ' , in other word , though both satsuma and choshu provided overseas education secretly and were liberal domains led the movement of overthrowing the shogunate , okubo from satsuma recognized more about dangerous feudalism as well as closed nature than kido from choshu , okubo had to criticize more extreme because of internal affair regarding father and son of the lords of his domain and internal circumstances of his domain (the teradaya incident - seinan war ), moreover tomomi iwakura also used just the same words ' the laws of nature ' as ' reason of nature ' in other document , which meant totally different from international public law .
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